Monday 7 May 2012

School again...

As I mentioned from the start, I am not very good at keeping up with my goals. I'm going to try and post at least one or twice a week, but sometimes even the best intentions fail. Now that I'm back in school for the summer I'm hoping it will be easier to write more often. It's also easier to write once you have something interesting to mention.

Anyways, this past week I moved back into residence along with most of the other 30 people in my class who are going overseas in September. During the week, we had many chances to meet and talk with the class who had just returned from their placements. There were three students who had been in Burkina Faso for the past eight months so Jeannette, Kevin, and I spent a fair amount of time talking with them about their experiences. There was also a day where each of the returning students did a short presentation on their placement and experiences which gave our class an interesting glimpse of what our lives will be like in the coming year. It was really neat to hear about the different lessons people learned about the NGO world and the ways in which people work around the world. A common theme I noticed among the students was that almost every one wanted to return to their host country as soon as they could.

The week concluded on Thursday night with a gala to celebrate the graduation of the first International Development class of the University of Waterloo. It's pretty strange to think that one year from now I will be among the students presenting. Right now I'm looking forward with excitement to September when I leave for Burkina Faso, but in only 12 months I will be back in Canada and wishing I was going back.

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